Training resource

Training videos
Citizen science leaflets
External resources

CITIZEN SCIENCE: How to engage stakeholders in conservation

Watch videos:

Importance of communication between PA managers and local stakeholders – Case studies from Slovakia

Zuzana Okániková (PRONATUR NGO)

Importance of communication between PA managers and local stakeholders – Case studies from Poland

Monika Ochwat – Marcinkiewicz (Ekopsychology Society)

Agricultural landscape as an opportunity to face environmental challenges – owner, farmer, and stakeholder point of view

Jiří Lehejček (IFOAM)

ESD network as a potential way to bridge science, policy and practice in the Carpathians

Tamara Mitrofanenko (United Nations Environment Programme)

Power of Citizen science

Jakub Trojan (Institute of Geonics, The Czech Academy of Science)

Citizen Science as a tool for biodiversity monitoring and communication

Daniel Dörler (BOKU)

Data Management System for citizen science projects – Open BioMaps case study

Miklós Bán (University of Debrecén)

Alternative platforms for citizen science data collection + invitation to Carpathian BioBlitz

Matyáš Adam (Tomas Bata University in Zlín)

Training videos
Citizen science leaflets
External resources



TBU conducts research in citizen science under the umbrella of national and international grant schemas. This enables us to be part of the cutting-edge resources and brings innovation to our citizen science activities. The geographical perspective in Carpathian region puts TBU in a role of one of the most important HEI in the Czech Republic.

Contact point: Matyas Adam

Project partners

Project partners


IDEAS Science Ltd. (HU)

Contact point: Györgyi Bela

IDEAS Science is a technology development and consultancy team. IDEAS Science Ltd. has rich experience with building infrastructure and implementing new approaches in citizen science initiatives – that is an ideal base camp for establishing Living lab approach in Hungary.


Contact point: Zuzana Okániková

Civil Association PRONATUR is a voluntary organization supporting the nature conservation, sustainable regional development and active citizens participation. The PRONATUR NGO has established close relationships with management of several protected areas in Slovak Carpathians.

Ekopsychology Society (PL)

Contact point: Monika Ochwat-Marcinkiewicz

Ekopsychology Association is a non-profit NGO dealing with biodiversity conservation, protected area management, sustainable local and tourism development, protection of landscape and cultural heritage, organization of environmental awareness campaigns, education and trainings. The Ekopsychology Association coordinates the work of the Carpathian Scientific Council in Poland, which brings together 17 scientists from 12 universities.